Swahili Salutations

Salutations & Introduction


Habari yanguhow am iNiko salama
Habari yakohow are you?Niko salama
Habari yakehow is he/sheako salama
Habari yaohow are theywako salama
Habari yenuhow are you (plural)tuko salama
Habari yetuhow are wetuko salama


  • Mostly use habari but when addressing one person
  • Habari zenu - when addressing more people
  • Response to habari (all of them) is mzuri or salama which is technically fine.

When you respond you have to know how the other person is doing:
Niko salama labda wewe? (I'm fine how about you)


Kwa majina natiwa DanteI'm Dante (with names I'm Dante)
Mimi ni mZimbabweI'm Zimbabwean
Ni furaha kuwa nanyiI'm happy to be here
Nasomea chuo kikuuI'm studying at the University
Napenda kuimba na kusomaI love singing and reading
Nimesafiri nchi zingineI've travelled to other countries